Friday, September 10, 2010

World Wonder
Included the Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria.from this world wonder,Only the Great Pyramid of Giza is still standing. The other six were destroyed by earthquake, fire or other reasons.The 7 New Wonders are the Colosseum (Italy); Christ Redeemer statue (Brazil); the Great Wall of China; Petra (Jordan); Chichen Itza (Mexico); Machu Picchu (Peru) and the Taj Mahal in India.Most people like to see taj mahal at India,because it is a mark of love.

  • Wonder  ----  Great Wall of China
  • Date of construction----5th century BCE – 16th century CE
  • Location---China

  • Wonder  ----  Petra
  • Date of construction----c.100 BCE
  • Location---Jordan

  • Wonder  ----  Christ the Redeemer
  • Date of construction----cOpened 12 October 1931
  • Location---Brazil

  • Wonder  ----  Machu Picchu
  • Date of construction----c.1450 CE
  • Location---Peru

  • Wonder  ----  Chichen Itza
  • Date of construction----c.600 CE
  • Location---Mexico

  • Wonder  ----  Colosseum
  • Date of construction----Completed 80 CE
  • Location--- Italy

  • Wonder  ----  Taj Mahal
  • Date of construction----Completed c.1648 CE
  • Location--- India

  • Wonder  ----  Great Pyramid of Giza
  • Date of construction----Completed c.2560 BCE
  • Location--- Egypt